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About Me

I have lived in two countries and four states. I was born in Texas, spent my formative years in Atlanta and Massachusetts, and went to high school in India. I am now a student at Duke University.

Some of my hobbies include dancing, playing the piano, and art. I have completed my graduation in Bharatanatyam (an Indian classical dance), raised funds for charity including "Asha for Education,” and performed widely at cultural events and school graduation. I enjoy choreographing fusion dances combining classical beats with high energy rhythms. Some of my dances are here. I have also enjoyed learning piano from a young age and completed Trinity Guildhall certification until Grade 6 in Piano. Art has been my passion over the years, which has motivated me to create a web art gallery ( From my portrait sketches of motivating individuals to the paintings of nature filled with vivid colors, I enjoy creating the impression of a wide spectrum of colors as well as simple shades that can be produced from pencil against paper!

Name Pronunciation

My name is Umika Paul, pronounced Oo-me-ka Pa-wl.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article

The New Hot Job: Nuclear Engineering, Alison Go, US News & World Report, 14 August 2008, accessed 20 September 2017 (Provide energy from fusion)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration - Lorenz Attractor Animation

Using MATLAB code to visualize a Lorenz Attractor is very interesting, especially mathematically. It is amazing to be able to plot this complex mathematical concept which is still not fully understood to such a geometrically simple model. Just three ordinary differential equations, called the Lorenz System, can form solutions which always resemble a figure eight or butterfly shape when plotted. The Lorenz equations, which measure two dimensional flow of fluid, are of interest not only to mathematicians, but also have practical applications such as in lasers and DC motors which I would love to explore.