Phi Beta Kappa/2025

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This page will be used for posting answers to frequently asked questions. It is being updated for the Spring 2025 initiation class. Initiation this year will be on Thursday, May 8th, 2025, at Reynolds Auditorium in the Bryan Center. Initiates should arrive no later than 5:45pm and guests should arrive no later than 6:15pm.

Selection Criteria

Phi Beta Kappa at Duke elects members in the Spring semester each year. The nomination committee looks at current Duke students with 18 or more graded Duke credits and also looks at alumni who have graduated in the previous three cycles (May, August, and December of the previous year). All students pursuing or having completed degrees in Trinity College are eligible; students pursuing or having completed degrees in the Pratt School of Engineering become eligible upon successful completion of six classes (post-matriculation) in the Social Sciences or Humanities (must have SS, CZ, FL, or ALP code and be listed or cross-listed in a department in the Social Sciences or Humanities).

The nomination committee has the following guidelines as provided by our local bylaws:

  • Students with 18-23.5 graded Duke credits are “early decision” – we can elect 1% of what’s thought of as the “Junior Class” at that time – usually 17-20 people – based on GPA.
  • Students with 24 or more graded credits but no degree are “regular decision” – we elect about 5% more of a class based on GPA, so on the order of 85 students.
  • Duke students who have earned degrees within the past year are in the “deferred” category – we elect them the first Spring following their graduation based on:
    • Cumulative GPA matching or exceeding “regular decision” noted above for their graduating class
    • GPA over semesters in which the last 24 credits were taken matching or exceeding RD for their graduating class
    • GPA over semesters in which the last 16 credits were taken “markedly superior” to RD for their graduating class
    • If there is still space, Magna Cum Laude + Graduation with Departmental Distinction. This is limited to 2% of a class, rank-ordered by GPA
  • Students must have a clean conduct record; students who have been found responsible for conduct violations are considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Phi Beta Kappa at Duke does not publish GPA cutoffs, but you can make an estimate based on the information provided in the "Class Rank Percentiles" section at Academic Honors and Recognition given that 1% of juniors are elected and 5% of seniors are elected.


You will need to register both locally and nationally. The local registration is in the form of a Qualtrics survey you should have received in an email shortly after the initial invitation email. National registration is at The passcode was included in the invitation.

Clarification on "Member Type"

For "Member Type," if you are considered a junior at Duke put "Junior" and if you are considered a senior or you have graduated, put "Senior."


Individual membership applications have to be validated by hand by local PBK officers. That process generally will not start until after the deadline for applying has passed. After the application deadline, you will receive an email noting if you filled out both forms correctly or if there is still something you need to do to fully accept membership.

Information for Initiates

  • Arrival
    • Initiates should arrive at Reynolds Auditorium on Thursday, May 8th, 2025, no later than 5:45 PM to get in the class picture.
    • Initiates who have their own graduation gown should bring the gown; you should not bring the cap or the hood.
    • Initiates who do not have their own gown can borrow one from a collection that we will bring with us to initiation. Please arrive a little earlier to get a robe.
  • The Ceremony
    • After the picture, we will line everyone up in alphabetical order either just outside the lobby (good weather) or in the lobby (bad weather) before marching in. We will also teach you the "secret" handshake (and yes, there is one, though no, it isn't so much a secret anymore). Please make sure that both the Guide and the Secretary know that you are there - they will be walking around with checklists.
    • As the ceremony begins, the invited faculty and staff will process in first, followed by the executive committee. You won't see any of this, because you'll still be hanging out alphabetically in the lobby...
    • Once we are all set, the Guide will lead you in - the first among you alphabetically will be standing in the aisle as the Guide presents you to the assembly, the rest will still be in the lobby; the Guide will then...for lack of a better you to your seats, where you'll remain standing until the President asks you to be seated
    • When you come up to sign the roll book and receive your certificates, an usher will direct each row, in order, to stand up and make way to house left (from the audience perspective) and the foot of the stairs to the stage. Once an initiate crosses the stage, the next initiate can ascend the stairs.
    • The Guide will call out each name - when your name is called, you will cross the stage, sign the roll book, shake the President's hand and receive your certificate, nod at the Secretary, shake other people's hands, descend the stage, and retake your seat -- we're not going to attempt the infamous Whole Row Sits Back Down Together part because it blocks the cameras from the audience members behind you.
    • After that, there's a bit more to tell you about the chapter, then we will be adjourned.
    • Pretty much, at each stage in the game someone will be there to give instructions so no worries about that - I just thought I would include the executive summary.

Information for Duke Faculty and Staff Guests

  • Duke faculty and staff are asked, if possible, to come in academic regalia (gown and hood; cap optional). In the absence of academic regalia, business attire would be excellent. Duke faculty and staff who are planning to also attend commencement may borrow academic regalia for free from Duke - see the Apparel section of the Faculty Page about Commencement for more information but note the April 4 deadline!
  • Duke faculty and staff should arrive no later than 6:15 PM in order to form up before the start of the ceremony. Faculty and staff will be directed to the main lobby of the auditorium.
  • There is no real order to the faculty and staff, except those in academic regalia will be in the front of the line and those not will be in back.
  • At the start of the ceremony, the Secretary will lead the faculty and staff to their seats, which are the first rows in the center and then the first rows on the house right side of the auditorium; faculty and staff will remain standing as the executive committee comes in. At this point, the President will ask all to rise for the presentation of the candidates.
  • From that point forward, the faculty and staff will follow the general cues for the audience.
  • There is no formal exit procession at the conclusion of the ceremony; everyone generally heads outside.

Information for Other Guests

  • Initiates' other guests should arrive no later than 6:15 PM to be seated in time for the ceremony to begin.
  • While there is no formal dress code, guests have generally worn business or business casual attire.
  • Guests will generally enter through the main doors of Reynolds Auditorium and then go down the stairs to the main seating area. There is also an accessible entrance - just let the Secretary or someone working at Reynolds know.
  • Initiates may bring as many guests as they like.

General Information

  • The ceremony lasts for about 1.5-2 hours depending on the number of initiates.
  • After the ceremony, there will be some time for initiates to take pictures if they would like, though we would ask that people generally leave the auditorium relatively soon after the ceremony so the crew can begin cleaning up.
  • Candidates who borrowed robes or who received general certificates should return those to the upstairs lobby.
  • Parking: best place to park is the Bryan Center (PG IV) lot. More information on parking is available at Duke Parking's Visitor Page.