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About Me

I am a first-year student and a member of the Class of 2015 at Duke University. I was born and raised in Northern California, and graduated from Central Catholic High School in 2011.

I am currently considering majoring in mechanical engineering or biomedical engineering, while also studying Pre-Med.

Hobbies and Interests

Listed in no particular order:

  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Racquetball
  • Tennis
  • Scrabble
  • Puzzles
  • Music
  • Food
  • Sleeping

Noteworthy Accomplishments

I once solved a Rubik's Cube in 22 seconds.

Name Pronunciation

My name, "Jordan Forte," as pronounced by my family and me, is "jawr-dn fawr-tey."[1] The IPA pronunciation is as follows: /ˈdʒɔrdn ˈfɔrteɪ/.

MATLAB Demonstration

My favorite MATLAB demonstration consisted of the "Minesweeper" demo accessed under "Other Demos" (within the Help Navigator) or through the use of the xpbombs command in the command window.

Although this simple version of minesweeper has not yet been equipped with a timer/stopwatch, I find it very surprising that MATLAB has the capabilities to run a program such as this.

This is my favorite demonstration also because:

  1. It involves two of my interests/hobbies listed above (Mathematics and Puzzles).
  2. It is highly interactive.
  3. With it, I can begin to understand the real capabilities of MATLAB.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Articles

Particularly interesting Grand Challenges for Engineering articles I stumbled upon include:



Jef24 23:01, 18 September 2011 (EDT)