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A Little About Myself

My name is Angel Garza Reyna and I am the first student from El Cenizo, Texas. I am currently majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering with a Pre-Med track. I love to play the piano, create poems, and go fishing.


Plotting graphs and creating 3-D graphs is one of the most interesting things to do in MATLAB. Not only can you plot simple correlations, but you can create complex figures created by functions. For example, in Lab 3 we were able to create a Tornado like function and a Fibonacci-like swirl using parametric functions.

Grand Challenge

[1] , Alexandra Ossola , Popular Science, August 24, 2015, 09/22/2017 (Grand Challenge)

Other examples can be see on the Grand Challenges for Engineering page with the exception that those articles do not have the (Grand Challenge) part appended to it.