About Me
Hi my name is Melanie Bakovic, I am an undergraduate student at Duke University. I am Currently on the premed path and thinking of majoring in biomedical engineering. My hobbies include photography, dancing, and searching Spotify for the next "hit" songs.
Fun Facts=
- Born in Bolivia, raised in Maryland
- Have a dog named Shakespeare (he's a miniature schnauzer)
- Have been dancing since I was 2
Name Pronunciation
Just in case you don't know how to pronounce "Melanie" you can sound it out like "Meh-lah-knee." My last name "Bakovic", which is probably a lot less common than my first, can be pronounced "Back-oh-vitch."
Homework Assignments 1 and 2
Grand Challenges-External Link
Artificial Skin Sends Touching Signals to Nerve Cells, Celia Henry Arnaud, Scientific American, updated 20 October 2015, accessed 2 February 2016 (Engineer Better Medicines)
Favorite MATLAB Demo
The demo I enjoyed the most was the "Conway's Life Game." When I first opened it and clicked the start button I was very confused yet memorized by the little dots appearing, disappearing, and shifting around the app page. After I clicked on the info button and read what this app was I was amazed by how MATLAB could be applied to real world issues including medical ones.