User:Teddy Ruby
My name is Edward John Ruby, but I go by Teddy. I was born and raised in San Jose, CA about an hour south of San Francisco. I have an older brother that graduated from Duke in 2015, and a sister who will be graduating from UNC Chapel Hill this spring.
Name Pronunciation
My name is pronounced exactly how it sounds. Teddy is pronounced like you would say Teddy Bear, but without the bear. Ruby sounds just like the gem. Overall, I feel like its a pretty solid name.
Much of my life revolves around sports. I played primarily lacrosse in High School, but have moved on from there since coming to Duke. I'm part of the club cricket and club sailing teams here at Duke. I'm a huge bay area sports fans, s I try to watch every 49ers, Giants, Warriors, Sharks, and Earthquakes game I can. I'm also a huge fan of the ocean and surfing, and get out in the water as much as possible.
As far as academics go, I'm a history guy. It doesn't seem to match perfectly with Pratt, but nonetheless I'm hoping I can find a way to blend the two. I do also did really enjoy physics in High School and am hoping that will transfer to Duke as well. In terms of engineering, I am very undecided on what type I want to pursue.