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About Me

Greetings! My name is Becky Li. I come from a faraway land known as Davie, FL. In my spare time, I love to swing dance (which I just learned, coming to Duke), explore the internet, watch movies with friends, drink tea, or just run around, doing something.

Name Pronunciation

"Beh-kee Lee":"Beh" as in Becky, "kee" as in "kiwi", and "lee" as in obvious"lee"

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article

A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind, Kate Greene, MIT Technology Review, created 14 May 2012, accessed 27 January 2014, (Advance health informatics)

Favorite Demonstration

My favorite demonstration would have to be the Game of Life. I've actually never heard of it before, and so I was curious as to what it was about. Confused by the random dots moving around, I almost thought it was dull and lost interest...but after I looked it up, I realized that there was much more to this simulation. Representing an interesting pattern of evolution, this "game" reminds me of the quote, "A picture is worth a thousand words".