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About Me

I am a freshman in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. My intended major is BME, possibly with a minor in Chemistry. I'm involved in Duke Cru and the Quidditch team.

Name Pronunciation

My first name is pretty basic: Ash-lee. My last name, the way my family pronounces it, is Bow-lick/ It's a long "o" at the beginning, and a short "i" as in "icky" at the end. Just don't say Bah-ick, with a short "o" at the beginning; it's one of my pet peeves. If you want to call me by one of my nicknames, you have to actually be my friend. :)


Engineering, cats, pets in general (I'm starting to like dogs a bit), traveling, running, quidditch, shopping, video games, Cru, blobs, adventures.