General Linear Regression
This is a work in progress. It is meant to capture the mathematical proof of how general linear regression works. It is math-heavy.
Assume you have some data set where you have $$N$$ independent values $$x_k$$ and dependent values $$y_k$$. You also have some reasonable scientific model that relates the dependent variable to the independent variable. If that model can be written as a general linear fit, that means you can represent the fit function $$\hat{y}(x)$$ as:
where $$\phi_m(x)$$ is the $$m$$th basis function in your model and $$a_m$$ is the constant coefficient. For instance, if you end up having a model:
then you could map these to the summation with $$M=2$$ basis function total and:
Note for the second term that $$\phi(x)$$ must be a function of $$x$$ -- constants are thus the coefficients on an implied $$x^0$$.
The goal, once we have established a scientifically valid model, is to determine the "best" set of coefficients for that model. We are going to define the "best" set of coefficients as the values of $$a_m$$ that minimize the sum of the squares of the estimate residuals, $$S_r$$, for that particular model. Recall that:
Finding the coefficients for the "constant" model
The simplest model you might come up with is a simply constant, $$\hat{y}(x)=a_0x^0$$.